Be the Shoe by Kathy Kelada is a book of self reflection. Participants for this segment of the Mutton Hill Book Club will meet in the Carriage House for discussions and dessert. Participants are encouraged to bring a shoe that represents them (real or an image). Afterwards, guests will have a chance to see shoes on display.
Jenn Kidd will guest curator a temporary exhibit in the Perkins Stone Mansion with Denise Lundell featuring vintage shoes in the permanent collection. "A Girl Can Never Have Too Many Shoes," will also include hats and purse accessories.
Saturday, April 6
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
The event is free for Society volunteers, $10 for Society members and $15 for nonmembers.
Please make your reservation through EventBrite or by calling the Society office at 330.535.1120.