Bath Township Historical Society
PO Box 1
1214 N. Cleveland-Massillon Rd
Bath Twp, OH 44210-0001

Phone : 330.659.4211

Sights to See in Bath

Yellow Creek Mill
3850 Granger Road
The original water-powered mill was built by John Miller about 1830. Fire destroyed the mill in 1943 and it was rebuilt immediately. When the market for livestock feed dwindled, the mill was converted to a manufacturing plant for insulating materials. The mill was redesigned in 1989 for use as an interior design firm.

Woolen Mill
3542 Granger Road
The original mill, with an overshot waterwheel, was built by Allen & Bloom in 1832. The mill produced cloth, wool blankets, yarns, flannels, satinets, cashmeres and coverlets from an annual yield of some 10,000 pounds of fleece from area sheep.

Ohio Historical Marker here states:

The Ghent Woolen Mill was one of at least thirteen mills Ghent Woolen Millbuilt in the Yellow Creek Valley to take advantage of the water power available in the creek's 400-foot fall across Bath Township. Erected by Messrs. Allen and Bloom in 1832, it was a marginal commercial success and changed hands several times during the 1800s - reportedly because an abundant wolf population in this region made raising sheep a risky venture. In its peak years of operation during the Civil War era the Ghent mill processed as much as 10,000 pounds of wool into finished cloth and yarn annually. It was converted to a machine shop circa 1889 and subsequently into private residences in the late 1890s. The oldest known woolen mill still standing in Ohio, it retains many of its original architectural features.

Stony Hill School No. 12
Hametown Road, north of Route 18
Built in 1892, this was the newest and best equipped of the township’s nine one-room schoolhouses. Its use as a school ended in 1921. In 1980 the Edward Steins deeded the building with an acre of land to the Bath Township Historical Society.

Thomas Pierson House and Octagonal Bee House
800 Wye Road
Thomas Pierson of Pennsylvania built this house about 1837. Off the northwest corner stands a two-story octagonal bee house that was built prior to 1859 and believed to be the only one in the country at that time. A record book shows that in 1858-59 Thomas Pierson wintered 13 swarm of bees. Today the house is a bakery.

Ghent Disciple Church
3636 Yellow Creek Road
This church was formed by a splinter group from the East Granger Disciple Church. The first section of the Ghent Church was constructed in 1901. A belfry and vestibule were added in 1905. The congregation later became affiliated with the Christian Church denomination. The Ghent church building, considerably expanded, is now the home of the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.

Bath Church
3980 West Bath Road
Constructed in 1834, the Bath Church is the oldest church building in the township. In 1818 a group of early settlers built a log church on the site of the present Town Hall.

Bath Town Hall Museum and Cemetery
1241 North Cleveland-Massillon Road
For current exhibits and hours please visit

Built in 1905, this building was financed by a $2500 bond issue. Today the building is home to the Bath Grange and the Bath Township Historical Society and Museum. The adjoining cemetery dates to 1831.

Hale Farm and Village
A Western Reserve Historical Society property
2686 Oak Hill Road
330-666-3711 call for tour times and availability or visit

Hale Farm and Village, an outdoor living history museum, depicts rural life in the Western Reserve of northeast Ohio from 1825 to 1850. Guides in period clothes interpret the Village’s relocated and restored buildings while craftsmen demonstrate period trades.